by Bernard-Marie KOLTES
Directed by Jay Scheib
new american translation by Marion Schoevaert and Theresa
Room and Clothes designed by Andrew Lieberman; Sound and
Video designed by Leah Gelpe; Light designed by Jeremy Morris; Dramaturgy
by Laura Butchy with Performances from Vanessa Burke, Tom Day, Marina Garcia-Gelpe,
Dan Illian*, Krassin Yordanov, Ryan Justesen, Aimee Phelan, Michael Stumm*,
Zishan Ugurlu*
Produced by Jeremy Morris and ROTOR Productions.
>>> In
this Summer sex comedy, a suicidal venture capitalist with a hole in his pocket
to the tune of ten million dollars in missing retirement funds politely requests
that somebody fill him with cement and punt him into the West river.
Meanwhile, the
disillusioned wife of a disillusioned Marxist revolutionary from Peruwhos
missing half his foot and losing his memorydescends upon the capitalist
with the zeal of the mother of all immigrantsgunning for a better life
in American with no visas, no cash, no hope... but now theyve shut off
the electricity, now theyve shut off the water.
...even the black-eyed
virgins are too coked-up on caffeine to grasp what passes for Terror in the
age of Dissent.
Just when Dissension has become a threat to National Security,
and Terror has emerged as the most audible wild-card-pursuit-of-the-good-lifefour
new translations of the work of French (freedom) writer Bernard-Marie Koltès
(1948-1989) hit the stage as part of a retrospective of his theatrical works.
Koltès trademark themestrafficking and transaction, social
economics, love and depressioninfiltrate an array of charactersfrom
Peruvian immigrants, to the labourers of the African steppeare presented
at the Ohio Theater during the month of May.
Performances of WEST PIER May 8, 9, 10, 20, 21 / 8 PM
at the OHIO THEATER in SoHo, 66 Wooster Street (Spring/Broome)
Ticket Reservations: 212-966-4844 Tickets: 15$ (passes: $50/35)
Press Contact: Susan Chicoine/Joe Trentacosta (212) 354-4660
Susan Chicoine: circee102@aol.com
Joe Trentacosta: joe@springchicpr.com
or contact director Jay Scheib at jayscheib@jayscheib.com
Koltès New York 2003 was made possible
by the generous support of ETANT DONNES The French-American Fund for
the Performing Arts, Koltès
New York 2003 is a production of In Parentheses, Dangerous Ground Productions,
and SoHo Think Tank.
*AEA Member, Actors' Equity Association Showcase Approved